3 Quotes & Sayings By Laurence B Brown

Laurence B. Brown, the real-life inspiration of the Dr. Seuss book "Oh, the Places You'll Go!" was a child prodigy and held a PhD in physics from the University of Pennsylvania at the age of 18. He taught at Yale and Princeton, but his brilliance led him to look for ways to apply his intellect to the problems of society Read more

In his late 30s, he found what he had been looking for in a journal entry by Alexander Graham Bell that read: "Inventors are not necessarily geniuses. They may simply be people who see things differently." This led Brown to develop a set of six principles that shaped his life and work.

You're telling me that if i keep dropping bombs into a junkyard, someday all the pieces will blast together into a perfect Mercedes. that's what the big bang proposes. that's what evolution teaches. That chaos gave rise to perfection. But we know it works the other way round don't we? Laurence B. Brown
How bold we are. We shy from a flame that licks the tip of our finger for a fraction of a second, and from which we are allowed the luxury of escape. But most of humankind flaunt their disobedience in the face of an eternal fire that engulfs all, and from which there is no escape. Ever. Laurence B. Brown